Personal Protection
      Get Life Insurance and/or Critical Illness Insurance Quotes

Comparison quotes for Income Protection,
Accident & Sickness and Involuntary Unemployment

Please enter your details in the form below and we will provide a list of indicated quotes to give you an idea of costs.  We'll provide best-in-market figures for all the options you request, including Income Protection, Addident & Sickness, and Involuntary Unemployment insurance.  If you decide you wish to proceed with any of the indicated products you only need to get in touch.

Whilst other online services simply offer a list of prices for you to choose from, we will always advise you on which policy is genuinely the most suitable for you within your budget before proceeding.

Please note that these quotes are not offers to insure and do not constitute financial advice - they are intended as an indication of cost only.

Your Details

First Name *
Second Name *
Annual Income (or annual profit if self-employed)*
Employment Status


Occupation *
Date of Birth *
Non-Smoker Smoker

Cover Details

How much monthly income do you need to insure?
This should be at least the minimum you need to get by monthly.
Would you like your cover to increase over time 
with inflation? *
Yes No
Would you like to add involuntary
unemployment cover? *
Yes No

Contact Details

Phone *

Email *

When should we call? *
9-5 Evenings